Reporting Sexual Harassment to Your Company: Empowering Change

Reporting Sexual Harassment to Your Company

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a deeply concerning issue that affects both employees and employers. Reporting sexual harassment in the workplace is not just a right but is a legal requirement before pursuing a potential sexual harassment claim. In this post, we will explore several ways to report sexual harassment to your employer.

1. Contact Human Resources: Human Resources departments are typically responsible for handling complaints related to sexual harassment. You can schedule a meeting with an HR representative to discuss your concerns. Be prepared to provide as much detail as possible, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. HR professionals are often trained to handle these situations discreetly and professionally.

2. Familiarize Yourself with Company Policies: Companies often have a well-defined sexual harassment policy in place. Begin by thoroughly reading and understanding your employer’s harassment and/or reporting policy. The applicable policy may explain how the company defines sexual harassment, identify the reporting process, and explain the steps that will be taken to address complaints.

3. Speak to Your Supervisor or Manager: If you feel comfortable doing so and/or if the company’s policy requires it, you can discuss your concerns with your immediate supervisor or manager. They may be unaware of the situation and may be able to take immediate action to address it. However, if your harasser is your supervisor, or if you believe that your concerns will not be taken seriously, consider other reporting options, such as senior management.

4. Consult Legal and External Resources: If, after you report unwanted sexual harassment to your employer, your situation does not improve or even worsens, you should consider seeking legal advice. The attorneys at BT Law Group can help you understand your rights and guide you through the process, including filing a charge of discrimination with an administrative agency such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Florida Commission on Human Rights.

When reporting sexual harassment, it is essential to document everything related to the incident. This includes saving emails, text messages, or any other evidence that might be relevant to your situation. Such documentation can be invaluable in the event of a legal dispute.

In addition, by reporting sexual harassment in the workplace, you can help create a safer and more respectful workplace for everyone. Do not forget that if you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, then another one of your colleagues may be as well.

In conclusion, reporting sexual harassment to your company is a critical step towards addressing this pervasive issue. It may not be easy, but it is legally required in order to pursue a potential claim of sexual harassment or retaliation in the workplace. The attorneys at BT Law Group are available to help you protect your rights and to ensure that sexual harassment is not permitted in your workplace.

Author Bio

BT Law Group is an employment law firm in Miami, FL, founded by attorneys Jason D. Berkowitz and Anisley Tarragona. With a wealth of experience in various legal areas, they represent clients in various legal matters, including discrimination, unpaid wages, wrongful termination, management counseling, and other cases.

Since receiving their Juris Doctorates from the University of Miami School of Law, they have received numerous accolades for their accomplishments, including being selected to Rising Stars by Super Lawyers. Jason was also selected to The 2021 Best Lawyers in South Florida.

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